昊天影院 《神偷奶爸3》电影精讲(视频)

发布日期:2024-10-20 13:52    点击次数:87

昊天影院 《神偷奶爸3》电影精讲(视频)





1. Sorry, my bad. 对不起,我的错。

2. I'm flooded with so many memories. 大齐回忆涌上心头。

3. Don't take that tone with me! 不许你用那种语气和我话语!

4. Sweet talker. 嘴巴真甜。

5. Armed to the teeth! 全副武装!

6. Getting my sea legs, matie! 还在合适新责任,店员!

7. Covered with enough poison to blow your mind...literally. 上头涂的毒药足以让你恐惧,确实。

8. Because if you mess with Margo, you mess with me! 因为你敢惹玛格,等于惹我!


Minions: Ah, ha ha ha...Ooh. Aah! Ow! Ow! Woo-hoo!

Kids: Freedonia! Freedonia! Freedonia!

Agnes: Hi, piggy, piggy!

Edith: Huh! Whoa! Look at that house!

Agnes: It's like a castle!

Gru: I can't wait to meet my brother! Uh. What's with all the pigs?

Butler: This is the family business. The largest pig farm in the whole of Freedonia.昊天影院

Gru: Okay, nice pig. No! That's my private part! Owww! This pig has issues!

Butler: Please, come in.

Minions: Wow. Yeah, haha!

Gru: Whoa!

Lucy: Oh, this is amazing! Ah, it's like the Sistine Chapel. But with pigs.

Dru: My brother!!

Gru&Dru: My brother!

Dru: Gru!

Gru: Dru!

Dru: Ahhhh! Brother! I am hugging you! I'm so happy! After all these years, finally I'm meeting you!

Gru: Yup, alright, good.

Dru: Oh, look at that! Woo! You must be the beautiful wife!

Lucy: Beautiful, oh. Stop it! Sweet talker.

Dru: How is my brother finding a wife like you when he is so bald? Woo-hoo! These must be my nieces! Huh! You're Agnes, you're small with big eyes! And it makes me want to put you in my pocket!

Agnes: You can't do that. I'm too big.

Dru: And Edith, I can tell that you are a little mischievous. We're going to have to make a little trouble later.

Edith: Wha...I already have!

Butler: Ow. Ow! Ow! Please, stop. Why are you doing that? Ow! Ow.

Dru: Fist bump for mischievous behavior. And Margo! Oh, you are so mature. I'm guessing what...you are fifteen?


Margo: Fifteen?

Gru: She's twelve! She looks twelve. And will always be twelve.

Lucy: So, Dru...this place is amazing. I mean, you just walk through the doors and you're like: wooooowwwooowwooooo!!

Dru: Eh. It's nice, I guess, sure. I'm not really into 'things.'

Edith: Wow! This is so cool! Oh my gosh, he's even got a helicopter!

Agnes: This is the best!

Gru: Yes, the best. All right, let's go home now.

Lucy: Home? Why?

Gru: I don't know, this guy, with the mansion and the cars and...all the hair, silky-smooth, luxurious hair. I feel worse than I did before I came.

Lucy: Oh, but he's your brother, Gru. Give this a chance.

Dru: Oh, I was thinking, while Gru and I catch up on some brother stuff, you girls should go with Fritz. He has a surprise for you.

Agnes: Yay!

Margo: Yay!

Edith: Awesome.

Agnes: I love surprises!

Lucy: Oh, this is perfect. Mother-daughter bonding time. Let's do it. Woo-woo! Bye! You boys have fun.

Gru: Ha ha ha! Whoopee!

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)昊天影院


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女同91 【大纪元2024年11月13日讯】(大纪元记者钟又淳报导)凭韩剧《拥抱太阳的月亮》以及综艺节目《咱们成婚了》绽开有名度的韩星宋再临,12日惊传离世,享年39岁昊天影院,令“韩演艺圈11月怪谈”的神话更甚嚣尘上。 宋再临正本12日本日与好友统统这个词吃午饭,但当一又友前去他位于首尔城东区住处后,发现他陈尸家中,友东说念主飞快向警方报案。警方造访后暗意,尚未发现他杀的陈迹,且在现场发现2张A4纸遗书;而他的IG被发现名字改成了“驱动漫长旅程(긴 여행 시작)”,也摈弃留言,最新帖文停留在...
